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16-05-2024-El xenòfob Wilders anuncia un acord de govern als Països Baixos (sense ell com a primer ministre) | 14-05-2024-La crisis de la vivienda se extiende por toda Europa, pero la de Holanda está ya en otro nivel | 30-04-2024-Una multa per orinar al carrer es converteix en una lluita feminista de 9 anys a Amsterdam | 22-04-2024-Ámsterdam prohibirá la construcción de nuevos edificios hoteleros para luchar contra el turismo de masas | 18-04-2024-L'alcaldessa d'Amsterdam demana legalitzar la cocaïna: 'Hem donat el monopoli als delinqüents' | 16-03-2024-Ni fumar porros al carrer ni comprar cocaïna: així allunya Amsterdam el turisme de borratxera | 15-03-2024-Wilders fracassa en l'intent de liderar els Països Baixos tot i posar-se la pell de xai | 27-02-2024-Condenado a cadena perpetua el cabecilla de la mayor mafia de la droga en Países Bajos | 12-02-2024-Eutanàsia en parella: la tria d'un exprimer ministre neerlandès revela una opció a l'alça | 05-01-2024-Amsterdam mayor warns the Netherlands is at risk of 'becoming a narco-state' |
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Coca-Cola cambia la City de Londres por Amsterdam a efectos regulatorios
2021-01-05 (1/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Dos grandes multinacionales, la embotelladora Coca-Cola European Partners (CCEP) y la energética Berkeley, anunciaron ayer sendas sedes distintas a la City londinense 210105/6166772/coca-cola-cambia-city-lon dres-amsterdam-efectos-regulatorios.html

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Confidence in Dutch king falls below 50% after 2020 Covid gaffes
2020-12-29 (2/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Just 47 percent of people in the Netherlands have confidence in King Willem-Alexander, according to a survey by Ipsos commissioned by Nieuwsuur. Back in April, a few weeks after he delivered a well-received national address about the coronavirus pandemic, Willem-Alexander was polling at 76 percent.

About 51 percent of the Dutch public said this month that they were satisfied or very satisfied with Willem-Alexander's performance, down from 67 percent in the spring. Some 14 percent are now dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with his job performance, up from three percent in April. -dutch-king-falls-50-2020-covid-gaffes
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Netherlands extends negative Covid test requirement to buses, trains & ships
2020-12-25 (3/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

A day after the Netherlands announced it would only allow airline passengers to travel to the country if they have been pre-screened for a negative coronavirus test, the Dutch government expanded the order to also cover anyone traveling by international bus, ship or train. The rules cover all commercial passengers, including Dutch citizens, departing from an area at high-risk for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. s-extends-negative-covid-test-requiremen t-buses-trains-ships

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Negative test result mandatory for all plane passengers to NL from December 29
2020-12-25 (4/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Everyone flying into the Netherlands from a high risk area will have to be able to show a negative coronavirus test from December 29, the Dutch government has announced. Given that the rest of the world is classified as either red or orange, this means that everyone travelling to the Netherlands by plane will have to hand over a negative PCR test result no older than 72 hours before boarding. The test requirement was introduced for travellers from Britain and... gative-test-result-mandatory-for-all-pla ne-passengers-to-nl-from-december-29/

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Stopping the tourism madness: the shape of central Amsterdam in 2025
2020-12-19 (5/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Amsterdam in 2025 will have a city centre where a ?different? kind of visitor and ?Amsterdammers want to come?, according to new city plans. The coronavirus crisis laid bare how certain areas had become almost totally dependent on low-budget tourism, linked with noise, nuisance and locals chased or priced out. Now, following calls from tourism experts, businesses and local residents to reset the city?s reputation for drugs, sex and lost weekends, the council has proposed 88 far-reaching measures to ensure... ackdown-on-windows-alcohol-sales-and-inn er-city-holiday-rental-ban-the-shape-of- central-amsterdam-in-2025/

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Coronavirus in the Netherlands: some of your questions answered -
2020-12-16 (6/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

You?ve got a lot of questions about the coronavirus measures and the lockdown. We?re answering as many as we can, to the best of our ability. Travel Are borders open? Can you fly? Do you need a test to return? Do you have to quarantine? Does it matter if you have a residency permit? What about the British? The official advice is do not book any foreign travel until mid-March at the earliest and do not travel abroad unless it... ronavirus-in-the-netherlands-some-of-you r-questions-answered/

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Coronavirus in the Netherlands: what you need to know (December 14) -
2020-12-15 (7/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

The government has imposed a lockdown in the Netherlands from Monday evening until January 19, involving the closure of schools, colleges and non-essential shops. Here?s what you need to know Education Primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities will revert to online education from Wednesday December 16 until Monday January 18, although there will be some exceptions for practical lessons and pupils in exam years and schools will offer support to vulnerable pupils. Daycare centres will also be closed to... ronavirus-in-the-netherlands-what-you-ne ed-to-know-december-14/

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Hard lockdown unavoidable, says Dutch PM, ruling out foreign travel until March -
2020-12-15 (8/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Prime minister Mark Rutte called on everyone in the Netherlands to work together to combat coronavirus in an address to the nation on Monday night, and urged people not to make plans to travel abroad until mid March at least. Speaking from his private office in The Hague against a soundtrack of chants from anti coronavirus rules campaigners, Rutte said that he hoped this would be the last time he would have to speak directly to the population. The Netherlands,... rd-lockdown-unavoidable-says-dutch-pm-ru ling-out-foreign-travel-until-march/

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Els Països Baixos decreten un confinament total fins al 19 de gener
2020-12-15 (9/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Supermercats, farmàcies i gasolineres seran els únics establiments que podran obrir durant les properes cinc setmanes os-decreten-un-confinament-total-fins-al -19-de-gener/noticia/3066106/

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Face masks mandatory from tomorrow December 1 in in indoor public spaces
2020-12-01 (10/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

From tomorrow, December 1, everyone in the Netherlands age 13 or older will have to wear a face mask in indoor public spaces, or face a fine of 95 euros. The mask must cover your nose and mouth and must be designed to prevent the spread of viruses - so a scarf or bandanna is not enough. -mandatory-tomorrow

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Coronavirus press conference: Rutte announces new national measures
2020-11-03 (11/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

At a press conference on November 3, Prime Minister Rutte and Health Minister de Jonge announced new coronavirus measures for the Netherlands. -expat-news/coronavirus-press-conference -rutte-announces-new-national-measures
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El govern holandès vol regular l'eutanàsia per als menors de 12 anys
2020-10-15 (12/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

La mesura afectaria cada any entre cinc i deu nens amb malalties terminals i un gran patiment sia-paisos_baixos-menors-12_anys_0_25449 45691.html

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Els Països Baixos entren en 'confinament parcial' per intentar de contenir els contagis
2020-10-14 (13/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

El govern tanca els restaurants i els bars i redueix les trobades socials a 4 persones a l'aire lliure i a només 3 a casa · També recomana limitar el màxim la mobilitat baixos-confinament-parcial-contenir-coro navirus/

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Los principales museos y centros culturales de Ámsterdam renuncian al patrocinio de las energías fósiles
2020-09-22 (14/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

El museo Van Gogh, el Rijksmuseum y o el Stedelijk de arte moderno y contemporáneo rompen su relación con las petroleras 5_dias/principales-museos-centros-cultur ales-amsterdam-renuncian-patrocinio-ener gias-fosiles_1_6236142.html

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Absolen de crim d'odi l'ultra holandès Wilders per 'haver insultat' marroquins
2020-09-05 (15/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

El líder xenòfob no rebrà cap sanció perquè el tribunal diu que ja "ha pagat un preu alt" -delicte-odi-ultradreta-xenofob-geert-wi lders-paisos-baixos-holanda-insults-marr oquins_0_2520948050.html

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Holanda ahora quiere subir los impuestos a las empresas... pero sólo a las que abandonen el país
2020-08-27 (16/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Países Bajos quiere evitar que las angloholandesas Unilever y Shell cierren su sede en territorio holandés para unificar los cuarteles generales en Reino Unido -ahora-quiere-subir-impuestos-empresas-a bandonen-pais_1_6179841.html

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Els Països Baixos i Bèlgica també detecten casos de reinfecció de coronavirus
2020-08-26 (17/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Els investigadors documenten dos pacients que s'han contagiat dos cops de coronavirus, després del cas de Hong Kong os-i-belgica-tambe-detecten-casos-de-rei nfeccio-de-coronavirus/noticia/3043564/< br>
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Els Països Baixos recomanen no viatjar a Barcelona pel risc de contagi de Covid-19
2020-07-29 (18/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Tampoc a l'àrea metropolitana, el Segrià i les zones de l'Aragó afectades pels brots, i alerten els que tornin que hauran de fer 14 dies de quarantena s-recomanen-no-viatjar-a-barcelona-pel-r isc-de-contagi-de-covid-19/noticia/30394 50/

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Europa, capital Amsterdam
2020-07-20 (19/223) - Pujat per WEBMASTER (Catalansalmon) - Comparteix

Els estats de la Unió Europea lluiten aquests dies per poder aconseguir un programa comú de recuperació del coronavirus. I enmig del debat hi ha els Països Baixos. Un estat relativament petit dins la UE que ha esdevingut un insòlit poder central, que fa i desfà per a estupefacció d?alguns grans, com ara Espanya, que ? Continue reading Europa, capital Amsterdam ? capital-amsterdam/

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Salut per tothom
2020-07-15 (20/223) - Pujat per Xavi Valls - Comparteix

Em dic Xavier, acabo d'arribar als Països Baixos per... Passar-hi una temporada. Acabar d'estudiar Neerlandès, treballar al sector del mercat de la flor, i viure aquí... Aquí ve la part més difícil:


Gràcies per la vostre rebuda i espero anar seguint notícies vostres.

Xavi Valls
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