CATALANSALMON: 18 anys 7 mesos i 8 dies (6795 dies) posant en contacte catalans arreu del món
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1  Austin  - Quedada amb distanciament social?
Pujat per Marc ( Austin ) [13334] - 2020-12-31

Bon dia!
Fa poques setmanes que sóc a Austin i no conec a molta gent. La situació és, a més, difícil degut al covid. M'agradaria conéixer gent a la zona i parlar en llengua llemosina!
Crec que, aprofitant el bon temps d'Austin, es poden fer coses a l'aire lliure reduint el risc de contagi a mínims (i amb carasseta).

Si a algú li ve de gust fer alguna cosa amb distnaciament social que em m'envie un missatge bé per aquí o al meu número de telèfon: 512-460-0266.

Molta salut!

2  Austin  - Fourth Austin package explosion this month possibly detonated by tripwire, leaving 2 injured, police say
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2018-03-19

Authorities say they think Sunday's package explosion is related to three others, which have killed two people. ing-mix/wp/2018/03/18/two-injured-in-exp losion-in-austin-police-say/

AUSTIN — Hours after Austin police made a public appeal Sunday regarding three deadly package explosions in the city this month, they were called to investigate yet another incident that caused multiple injuries in a residential area.

Two men in their 20s were injured Sunday in an explosion on the 4800 block of Dawn Song Drive after a package bomb detonated as they passed on bicycles, said interim Austin Police Chief Brian Manley. Unlike the other explosions, which detonated after victims tried to pick up packages left at their homes, this package was left on the side of the road and was possibly triggered by a tripwire, Manley said.

“We are working under the belief that this is related to the other bombing incidents that have occurred in our community over the last couple weeks,” he said at a news conference at 1:30 a.m. Monday.

3  Austin  - 11S a austin
Pujat per laura figols ( Austin ) [10116] - 2016-08-26


Algu sap si es farà algo a Austin o a Texas per l'11 de setembre ?


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