llistar_diades ( $t ) ; $i_opinio = 0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { $i++; $t_ciutats[$i][1] = $row["dia_ciutat"]; $t_ciutats[$i][2] = $row["total"]; $t_ciutats[$i][3] = stripslashes($row["cit_Name"]); if ( $row["dia_lat"]!=0 ) { $t_ciutats[$i][4] = $row["dia_lat"]; $t_ciutats[$i][5] = $row["dia_long"]; } else { $t_ciutats[$i][4] = $row["cit_lat"]; $t_ciutats[$i][5] = $row["cit_long"]; } $t_ciutats[$i][6] = stripslashes($row["pai_cat"]); $t_ciutats[$i][7] = $row["pai_id"]; $t_ciutats[$i][8] = $row["dia_id"]; $t_ciutats[$i][10] = $row["dia_status"]; $t_ciutats[$i][11] = $row["dia_data"]; $t_ciutats[$i][12] = $row["dia_hora"]; $lloc = $row["dia_lloc"]; $lloc = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($lloc)); // ENLLOC DEL nl2br //$lloc = stripslashes(htmlentities($lloc, ENT_QUOTES)); $t_ciutats[$i][13] = $lloc; $t_ciutats[$i][14] = $row["dia_link"]; } // --- Totals --- $tx["esdeveniment"] = $_SESSION['ESDEVENIMENT']; $tx["any"] = $_SESSION['DIADA_EN_CURS']; $tx["opcio"] = 2; $tx["status"] = "1,4"; $total_registres = $DIA->llistar_diades ( $tx ) ; $ty["esdeveniment"] = $_SESSION['ESDEVENIMENT']; $ty["any"] = $_SESSION['DIADA_EN_CURS']; $ty["opcio"] = 2; $ty["status"] = "4"; $total_registres_pendents = $DIA->llistar_diades ( $ty ) ; $total_registres_confirmats = $total_registres - $total_registres_pendents ; $perc_pendents = number_format ((( $total_registres_pendents * 100 ) / $total_registres), 1); $perc_confirmats = number_format ((( $total_registres_confirmats * 100 ) / $total_registres) , 1); // diades agrupades per ciutat (o Random)--- $tz["esdeveniment"] = $_SESSION['ESDEVENIMENT']; $tz["any"] = $_SESSION['DIADA_EN_CURS']; $tz["opcio"] = 1; $tz["status"] = "1"; $tz["orderby"] = "cit_Name"; $tz["groupby"] = "dia_ciutat"; $result = $DIA->llistar_diades ( $tz ) ; $llista_diades = ""; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { $llista_diades.= ''.$row["cit_Name"].''; if ($row["total"] > 1) { $llista_diades.='('.$row["total"].') '; } else { $llista_diades.=' '; } } // --- $t_carpetes = get_llista_carpetes ($_SESSION['DIADA_EN_CURS']); //print_r($t_carpetes); $total_fotos = 0; $llista_diades_amb_foto = ""; foreach ($t_carpetes as $key=>$carpeta) { $t_fotos[$carpeta] = get_llista_fotos ($_SESSION['DIADA_EN_CURS'], $carpeta, 0); $row = $DIA->get_diada ( $carpeta, "", ""); if ($rnd) { $llista_diades_amb_foto.= ''.$row["cit_Name"].' '; } else { $llista_diades_amb_foto.= ''.$row["cit_Name"].' '; } foreach ($t_fotos[$carpeta] as $key2=>$value2) { $llista_random[] = "fotos/".$_SESSION['DIADA_EN_CURS']."/$carpeta/$value2"; $total_fotos++; // no se perque la funcio recursiva no va be (aasteriscada) } } //print_r($t_fotos); //$total_fotos = count($t_fotos, COUNT_RECURSIVE); // recursive! // -- si random if ($rnd) { shuffle ($llista_random); } ?>


Warning: Undefined variable $total_fotos in /home/catalansalmon/public_html/diada/fotos.php on line 199

Warning: Undefined variable $t_carpetes in /home/catalansalmon/public_html/diada/fotos.php on line 200

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in /home/catalansalmon/public_html/diada/fotos.php:200 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/catalansalmon/public_html/diada/fotos.php on line 200