We are a group of people who live in London with a common interest: castells. Building castells, or human towers, is a Catalan tradition that dates back more than 200 years.
Castellers of London was born in 2015 with the objective of promoting the tradition of castells in the London area. We hold weekly open rehearsals and organise special events, such as exhibitions and performances, while we keep an active social agenda. Many of the people involved in the group are from Catalonia, but it also includes people from a wide range of nationalities, from different backgrounds, and from all ages, as well as whole families.
CoL continues to grow, and we are currently focused on building towers of 6 levels tall.
Els drets i propietat de les fotos són de cada colla i estan triades de les seves xarxes públiques.
MAIL | colles.php | US | Darrera actualització: 16/07/2024 07:44
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