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1  Austin  - Bon dia! Només volia saludar i saber si hi ha catalans per Austin, TX.
Pujat per Gemma ( Austin ) [14578] - 2023-06-09

Podeu escriure'm al meu WhatsApp (665175773) sóc de Girona i em faria molt feliç poder quedar i fer coses ab Catalans per Austin.

2  Austin  - Bienvenidos al Silicon Valley del Sur: por que Texas es la nueva California
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2021-12-20

El éxodo de empresas tecnológicas y trabajadores cualificados está cambiando la demografía y el paisaje urbano y político de ciudades como Austin, adonde se ha mudado Elon Musk, dueño de Tesla ienvenidos-al-silicon-valley-del-sur-por -que-texas-es-la-nueva-california.html
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3  Austin  - El hilo de Guillermo Fesser explicando los detalles de la retrógrada ley de aborto de Texas
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2021-09-04 9/03/el-hilo-de-guillermo-fesser-explica ndo-los-detalles-de-la-retrograda-ley-de -aborto-de-texas/
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4  Austin  - Biden condena el 'ataque sin precedentes' del Tribunal Supremo al derecho al aborto en Texas
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2021-09-03

El presidente estadounidense ha ordenado este jueves movilizar todos los recursos posibles de su Gobierno para "garantizar que las mujeres en Texas tengan abortos seguros y legales" den-condena-ataque-precedentes-tribunal- supremo-derecho-aborto-texas_1_8268120.h tml
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5  Austin  - El discurso de graduación de la estudiante que se saltó el guion para criticar la nueva ley contra el aborto de Texas
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2021-06-05

"Espero que podáis sentir lo desgarrador que es, lo deshumanizante que es, que te quiten la autonomía sobre tu propio cuerpo", dijo Paxton Smith en un discurso que se ha viralizado eguardian/discurso-graduacion-estudiante -salto-guion-criticar-nueva-ley-aborto-t exas_1_8003315.html
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6  Austin  - Un tiroteo en Austin, Texas, deja al menos tres muertos
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2021-04-19

Un nuevo tiroteo en Estados Unidos ha dejado al menos tres muertos este domingo. El suceso ha tenido lugar en Austin, Texas, y la Policía continuaba esta tarde tratando al/20210418/6961247/tiroteo-austin-texas -deja-tres-muertos-estados-unidos-eeuu.h tml
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7  Austin  - Nova York intenta tancar l'Associació Nacional del Rifle per frau. Trump: "La NRA hauria de mudar-se a Texas"
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2020-08-07

La fiscal general de l'estat demana dissoldre el lobby proarmes i acusa els seus dirigents de desviar milions de dòlars per al seu ús personal ta-tancar-lassociacio-nacional-del-rifle -per-frau/noticia/3041220/
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8  Austin  - Texas reports 58 coronavirus deaths in one day, a record
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2020-05-17

Texas reported 58 deaths since Wednesday, the largest one-day jump since the pandemic began. uston-texas/texas/article/texas-reports- record-coronavirus-deaths-cases-day-1527 0877.php

AUSTIN — Texas reported its highest number of deaths in one day since the coronavirus pandemic began.

New official state data released on Thursday showed Texas is now reporting 1,216 deaths — an increase of 58 from yesterday’s tally.

Previously, Texas had reported as many as 50 deaths once before, on April 30.

The state also reported its highest one day jump in positive test. Texas has had 43,851 positive cases reported — a jump of 1,448 cases. That state’s previous high was on April 10 when it reported 1,441 positive cases.

Testing also surged on Thursday. The state reported 35,853 tests, the second highest number of results reported in a single day.

The spike in deaths comes as Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has been trying to re-open the state’s economy. Last week he allowed hair salons and barbershops to reopen and was planning to allow gyms to open next week. Before that he allowed restaurants, malls, retail stores and movie theaters to reopen at 25 percent of their maximum occupancy.

On Monday, Abbott was scheduled to announce whether the state had made enough progress to allow restaurants, retail stores, theaters, and malls to increase occupancy to 50 percent.

When Abbott announced the partial reopening of businesses two weeks ago, he warned that because the state was increasing its testing capacity, logically there would be an increase in the number of positive cases. During a television interview in early May, Abbott said the number of positive cases is not the key number to watch.

“What really matters are these two metrics — what is our hospitalization rate and what is the death rate," Abbott said on KVUE in Austin.

The state’s hospitalizations have been on the decline this week. The state reported 1,648 hospitalizations — the second straight day that number has dropped and well down from last week’s record high of 1,888.

Abbott has said the state still has plenty of available hospital beds and ventilators. As of Thursday, Texas was reporting more than 17,500 hospital beds available and more than 6,200 ventilators.

The state’s death rate for COVID-19 patients remains at 2.8 percent, the same percentage it was on May 1. And Abbott has repeatedly pointed to the state’s death rate far below what other states have reported. While Texas has lost 1,216 people, neighboring Louisiana with a fraction of the overall population has reported 2,351 deaths. Florida has had 1,875 deaths and New York has had 22,170 deaths.

9  Austin  - Texas i Ohio neguen el dret a avortar fins que acabi el brot del coronavirus
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2020-03-27

Aquests estats nord-americans argumenten que és una intervenció prescindible en un moment de crisi exas-avortaments-pandemia-coronavirus-co vid-19_0_2423157839.html

10  Austin  - Una persona herida al explotar un quinto paquete bomba con destino a Austin
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2018-03-20

Un empleado resultó herido leve cuando un paquete que contenía clavos y metralla con destino a Austin, Texas, explotó en unas instalaciones de la empresa de mensajería FedEx, según ha informado el... l/20180320/441729376206/nuevo-paquete-bo mba-hiere-persona-austin.html

11  Austin  - Three ?powerful? package explosions in Austin that killed 2 are connected, police say
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2018-03-13

"If you receive a package that you are not expecting or looks suspicious, DO NOT open it, call 911 immediately," Austin Police Chief Brian Manley warned. -nation/wp/2018/03/12/police-warn-of-sus picious-packages-as-more-explosions-rock -austin/

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