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1  Bucuresti  - Rumanía en una semana: ruta por ocho lugares imprescindibles
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2023-01-12

Bucarest, Sinaia, el Castillo de Bran, Sighi?oara, Sibiu y la región de Maramure?, entre otros, pueden dar forma al plan perfecto para descubrir Rumanía en siete días iajes/rumania-semana-ruta-ocho-lugares-i mprescindibles_1_9858258.html
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2  Bucuresti  - What should I absolutely not do when visiting your Romania ?
Pujat per WEBMASTER [1] - 2020-08-04

What should I absolutely not do when visiting your Romania?

Never get a cab from the airport. If you’re a foreigner you might as well never ever get into a cab at all. Call an Uber. Most Romanian cab drivers are known for spinning tourists around the city to get extra fare.

Don’t talk so much about Dracula or Vampires. Also don’t ask locals if they believe in such shit. We may be behind other European countries but we do not live in the Middle Ages.

You don’t really need a lot of money to visit us. Food, drinks, gas, restaurants and most hotels are pretty cheap compared to other European countries. Get cold cash though, credit cards are not as common as you might think.

Our railway system. ONLY travel by train if you REALLY need to. Train schedules are totally unreliable here. In the first six months of 2018 we registered three years of total delays. ‘Nuff said. At least get first class, it will be a long journey ;)

Overall our country is pretty safe. Just be a nice tourist, don’t get into trouble and be careful about pick-pocketing. Showing affection in public is okay as long as you’re not same-sex. Unfortunately we are still pretty conservative on this matter.

Public transport sucks sometimes. Buses are usually cramped and trams don’t have AC (yes, you heard that)

So no cab nor public transport? You might as well rent a car but beware traffic in our cities sucks big time. Bucharest is in top three most congested European cities. Other Romanian cities are okay.

Not a lot of people know how to properly speak English, especially older folks. Some younger people are fluent, some not -- it’s a guessing game really.

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